Andrea Coller's Blog
Monday, March 07, 2005
guess what, folks?? it's NOT snowing. for the moment. we're expecting a bunch later this week. in like a lion, out like a lamb. that's what they say, anyways. so i have hope that by my stem cells' first birthday party, it will be all warm and yummy outside. or, at least, the weather will cut it out, with all of the effing snow.

last night, i was literally too tired to move, for the first time since the whole chemo deal. it was my day off after a six day work week, which i hope to not have to do again for a very, very long time. and i woke up at the asscrack of dawn for no reason. by five o'clock p.m., i realized that i hadn't eaten anything since the yogurt i had before work on saurday morning. and that _never_ happens. so i headed to the quiznos, where i got a nice steak sub and diet mountain dew. boy, was that the best thing i ever tasted. (actually, i think the best thing i've ever eaten was a couple weeks ago at spoleto, where i got this chicken stuffed with goat cheese with some fruity chutney. aw, hell yeah...) so after that, i went back to my apartment and crashed on the sofa.

without even thinking about it, i watched three reality shows; the premiere of "the starlet," which was as bad as it sounds, "family plots," which i've loved for a long time (follows a family that runs a funeral home), and a new a&e show called "intervention." it follows two addicts and their families through the intervention process. it was heartbreaking and life-affirming all at once. not so bad. but i hear next week's episodeis about shopping addiction. d'oh. won't be watching that one.

next week is looking brighter. i'm attending another of nerissa nields' brilliant writing workshops at the end of the week, and my wonderful friend nichole is coming down to visit. josh is doing some visiting too. it'll be big 'ole party at casa andrea.

it has turned into a beautiful day outside. enjoy it while you can, new england.
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