Andrea Coller's Blog
Saturday, October 30, 2004
so, for halloween eve, i was my exact opposite: a good girl from the fifties. it was quite the hit. i was dressed all in pink, with little bows in my hair. sonia was a renaissance lady, patty was harry potter, joe was gir from invader zim, meredith was hester prynne, and britta was a pill-popping housewife from the fifties: it was decided that i was britta's little daughter. i got to say things like, "when mommy drinks her special drink, sometimes she's funny like monkeys. other times she's sad like clowns."

i'd started the saturday, as usual, by working. everyone else at work wussed out on dressing up, and it was raining. i arrived with my shoes soaked and my feet already in bad shape. i knew it would be a long day. after work, sonia picked me up so i could cut her hair before the show. i hung out and helped out at PACE for a while, then i got a call from meredith to go out dancing at diva's. i figured it was a good idea.

folks at diva's were all sorts of decked out. it was great. i drank, meredith and britta smoked, we danced, and danced, and danced. just after the costume contest, we decided to go hang out at britta's. we were hungry and stopped for 711 baloney sandwiches and a big pickle and cherry garcia. we discovered that pregnant ladies are right: pickles and ice cream rule together.
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